400 pages in picture of the Golden Age of the African worldwide: click.


black presence in Europe by country

* Celts of ancient Briton: click.
* Africans of France through 2.5 millennium: click.
* Africans of Germany, prehistoric: click.
* African Celts of Hungary through the Middle Ages: click.
* Italy's African population from Paleolithic to Christian times: click.
* Was culture of ancient Roman Empire African? click.
* The blacks of southwest England: click.
* Africans of Germany from Paleolithic Times to Charlemagne Click.

black kings and nobility

* 400 Years of Black Habsburgs: click.
* Kings of Hungary and Holy Roman Empire: click.
* Charles IV and Wenceslas IV, Kings of Bohemia/Prague, Father and Son: click.
* In appearance, the Africans of the British monarchy: click.
* Leopold II, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire: click.
* King James I brings us bible: click.
* King Otto I of Holy Roman Empire: click.
* Henry VII and Elizabeth of York: click.
* John Frederick I, the Magnanimous, 1553 : click.
* Ferdinand II and Isabel of Castile: click.
* Cosimo de Medici (1389 - 1464): click.
* King George III looks black: click.
* Vercingetorix, King of Gual, 49 BC: click.
* Robert Karoly, Hungarian King, 1288 - 1342 AD: Enter.
* African-featured nobility of early Europe: click.
* King Wenceslas-IV of Prague, Bohemia / Czech Republic 1361-1419 AD: Enter.
* Saint Maurice at Cathedral of Magdeburg: click.
* When Saxony and its rulers were black: click.
* King Henry VIII: click.
* Rudolf II, 1576 - 1611: click. "African presence in early Europe" , "African in Europe".

unique insights

* Africans and the creation of writing, Western religion, and Europe Click.
* Africans and the 4500 year history of the ear ring: click.
* Masonry and log-roll plait of the African worldwide through 4.5 millennium: click.
* The African founded European and world Christianity?: click.


* 10th century Croatian Moorish king: click.
* The Black-a-Moors and the Strasbourgs of 14th century Europe I: Enter.
* The Black-a-Moors and the Strasbourgs of 14th century Europe II: Enter.
* The Black-a-Moors and the Strasbourgs of 14th century Europe III: Enter.

Blacks in other contexts

* Deriving the Ethnicity of Charlemagne through Extant Art Click.
* Charlemagne, the kinky-haired king Click.
* European Man Who May have African Female Ancestry if He is R1a Click.
* Prehistoric African presence in R1b, I, and R1a Regions of Eurasia Click.
* Indo-European expansions from Steppes to Germanic Invasions of Europe Click.
* African faces of Bronze Age Macedonia at the time of Alexander. click.
* When the Czech Republic was Celt / African - Part 2 click.
* Prehistoric Afro-Eurasian abdominal tribal markings markings. (from Jan. 4, 2006)
*** Afro-Celtic Royal Images of Medieval Bohemia (Czech Republic) click.
* The faces of Rudolf II. click.
* Timeline for Sweden. click.

* Celtic gods of Medieval Ireland, England, and Spain: click. (from March 28, 2005)
* Sungir near Moscow where Africans remains found c. 35,000 years ago: click.
* The African Population of Britain Before and During the Germanic Migration Period: click.

* Migrations from Africa to Eurasia and World: click.
* Map # 1 of Indo-european migrations from Steppes click.
* Map #2 of Indo-european migrations from Steppes click.

* Migration Map of Modern Europeans from Steppes to North and South Europe: click.
* Thomas William Shore, Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race: pages 112 - 113.
* Thomas William Shore, Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race: pages 114 - 115.
* African presence in Slav lands for 35,000 years. Also, spoof on Rasol: Enter.
* 35,000 years of African presence in Slavic lands: Enter.
* The Golden Age of Africans in Neolithic Europe 6200-3000 BC: Enter.
* Marija Gimbutas and comparative map of Indo-Europeans spreadEnter.
* From West to Eastward Spreading African Aurignacian: Mosow to Germany: Enter.

* Goggle on Germanic Migration Period: Enter.
* The Medieval English Village is an African, e.g. Celt, Invention? Enter.
* The Medieval English Village is an African Invention? The Enlarged Map: Enter.
* Century Bratislava - The Last Supper: Enter.
* Gravettian Venus: Enter.
* African and European Janiform Vase: Enter.
* Agamemnon and Terisias Enter.
* Wiki R1, R1a and R1b map: click.
* White supremists say whites new to northern, western, and southern Europe: click.
* Columbus Discovers America, 1492 AD: Enter.
* Aurignacian goddesses of Upper Paleolithic Europe: Enter.
* Attila the Hun Text and Coin: Enter; Enter.
* African composition of Upper Paleolithic European Populations: Enter.
* Talk at Temple: Worldwide Golden-Age of the African Before Columbus: Enter.
* Was Ancient Peru African Before Christ?: Enter.
* Who is African and why?: Enter.
* Ocean Currents of the World: Enter.
* Saint Maurice and his bluish-black skin: Enter.
* Moorish root of royal names of England, Wales, Scotland: Enter.
* Joseph Haydn, the Black-a-Moor Kepplemeister at Eszterhazy: Enter.

* Africans - the original residents of Roman Britain: Enter.
* African Neolithic presence in Europe and invasion from the North: Enter.
* Negritos of The Last Judgement - Bratislava, ~ 1520 AD: Enter.

* Prehistoric Abdominal Diamond Tribal Markings in AfroEurasia: click.
* The African features of Neanderthal: Enter.
* Holy figures of St. Istvan's crown: click.
* The Moorish crowns of Europe: click.
* The Lapp of 100 BC: click.
* Pygmy of Rome on Skyphos, 300 BC: click.
* Celt/African of Ampuriae Spain, 100 AD: click.
* Kunga and origin of kings and Western social structure?: click.
* Croatian Moorish King: click.
* Africans of the Roman Republic: click.
* Black Vikings of 8th century: click.
* Gravettians of Upper Paleolithic Europe: click.
* Saami / Lapp: Enter.
* 19th century Australians: click.
* Galerius, Roman Emperor: Enter.
* Adalbert, Patron Saint of Poland from 1150 AD: click.
* Pectorals from England like African: click.
* Village of Romulus in 8th century Italy: click.
* [0] Phillip of Macedonia, Alexander's father: click.
* [1] Phillip of Macedonia, Alexander's father: click.
* [2] Olympia, Alexander's mother: click.
* [3] Pic 1 of Alexander: click.
* The Hungarian Hercules of the Roman Empire, 350 AD: click.
* Page with 10th century Croatian Moorish king: click.
* Malta skulls, 4300 BC: click.
* Bulgaria skulls, 4,500 BC: click.
* Czech Republic skulls from 35,000 BC: click.
* Bosnia-Herzegovine carving, 4000 BC: click.
* Spanish cranium: click.
* Gael/Gual phonology: click.
* Capsemmorchal people: click.
* Moors of Austria and Germany: click.
* Hungary: 500TYA-6000BC: click.
* Hungary: 6000 BC to 3000 BC: click.
* Hungary: 3000 BC to 400 BC: click.
* Hungary 400 BC to 1800 AD: click.
* Bull horn crown worn in Africa: click.
* History of Hungarian Holy Crown from 300 AD: click.
* Coat of Arms of Moors and Holy Roman Emperors of Medievel Germany: click.
* Full fresco of Argemmenon from 5th century Etruscan tomb fresco: click.
* Detail of Argemmenon from 5th century Etruscan tomb fresco: click.
* R1 Africans of the European Upper Paleolithic: click.
* Banner Africans of the European Upper Paleolithic: click.
* Boxing scene from the Aeneid (book 5), when the aged Sicilian champion Entellus defeats the young Trojan champion Dares. Blood spurts from Dares' injured head. Entellus sacrificed his prize, a bull, by landing a great blow to the animal's head. Both boxers wear cesti. Mosaic floor from a Gallo-Roman villa in Villelaure (France), ca. 175 AD.: click.
* Moorish fort in Spain: click.
* George II looks white: click.
* Medieval Crown of Hungary and Kings of Hungary and Holy Roman Empire: click.
