Legend: The ancient Afrigyptian sun god, Khepera, was a form of Ra. Specifically, Kheper, self-created,
                        represented the renewal and the rising sun. The scarab beetle, which rolled a ball of dung to lay eggs 
                        within symbolized Khepera who carried the sun across the sky. This ball was pushed into a hole from 
                        which would later emerge larva who’d eat the dung and emerge from the hole. They seemed to be self-
                        created and in this sense mirrored the god. The 16 scarabs on this page represent a few of the
millions made in the form of amulets. From 1630 BC in Afrigypt [1, 2, 3, 4]; from 
800 BC, copied by Phoenicians in Carthage, Tunesia from Egyptians [5, 6, 7, 8]; 
from 600 BC made by Phoenicians in Tharros, Greece [8, 9, 10, 15]; from 600 
made by Phoenicians in Spain [11, 12, 13, 14]. We might note low nose-bridge
figures mostly from 1 - 11. High nose-brige people begin appearing later (e.g.
12 - 16). From almost 2000 years of scarabs, we can see the face of North
Africa, Tharros, Greece, and parts of Europe changed by the time of, during,
and after Julius Caesar [16] from low nose-bridge to high nose-bridge people.

Afrigypt: Pharoah in kilts smelling lotus, Dyn.14, 1630-1532 BC
 Afrigypt, Figure standing btw two crocodiles, Dyn. 16 - 21, 1570 - 1070 BC 
 Afrigypt, Ptah before ba spirits of Re and Osisis, Dyn 16 - 21, 1570 - 1070 BC
 Afrigypt, King seated on throne before standing figure, Dyn. 21, 1150 - 1070 BC
 Africa, Carthage: Phoenician scarab grylli, known as Joined Heads, c. 800 BC 
 Africa, Carthage: Phoenician grylli, c. 800 BC 
 Africa, Carthage: Phoenician grylli, c. 800 BC 
  Greece, Tharros: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Greece, Tharros: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Greece, Tharros: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Spain, Baleric Islands: Ibiza: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Spain, Baleric Islands: Ibiza: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Spain, Baleric Islands: Ibiza: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
  Spain, Baleric Islands: Ibiza: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
   Greece, Tharros: Phoenician grylli, c. 600 BC
   Italy, Rome: Caesar, 100 BC - 45 BC..art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
