Of what ethnicity
were the Persians
and what is the
evidence to draw 
infer such? To begin
with, the Achaemin-
ids, another name of
the Elamite kingdom
and peoples, was 
formed by Cyrus the
Great in 559 BC. The
above bas relief, 
in Pasargade, 
northeast of Persepolis, is of Cyrus. His head shape captures his hair style which is round
and this depicts the round-ball that kinky African hair naturally assumes. For instance, observe
the hair above the hat-piece in pictures 6 and 9, both from Susa - that hair is 
wooly, African and the hair at the back of the head beneath the headpiece in 9 is
wooly and identical to the balls of hair representing the Nubian style in 10. Cyrus 
was the founder of the Achaeminds and, color aside (though 6, 7, and 10 are black
skinned), all in this page bear some combination of African features: a full nose 
and mouth, wooly hair (see 10 in particular). Picture 5, for instance, of Darius the 
Great, is clearly of African pheontype as with the nose, mouth, and wooly hair. However, note that one 
will find later versions of this same sculpture whose picture was taken near 1925 to look more Western. 
By hair comparison, for instance, the hair of Caucasians (pic. 11 from Russian Steppes) is long and 
flowing and such is not among the early stages of Iranian populations. Pictures from Persepolis: 1, 5, 10; 
Pictures from Susa, the rest. Picture 7 is a Heavenly Guard.
..art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
